Returning Resident Families: If your child(ren) has/have ever attended school in CFSD, you have a ParentVUE account to register your child for school. Please use your existing ParentVUE login information (username and password) to access Online Registration.
Do you need your ParentVUE account re-enabled? Have you forgotten your username and/or password? If you are a new family, do you need to create a ParentVUE account?
DO NOT create a new account if you have forgotten your username or password.This will duplicate your student(s) in Online Registration. Please contact your school if you need your Synergy Parent account activated as a ParentVUE account. This will identify you as a parent/legal guardian who has rights to the student(s).
Contact your school for the following:
• Parent/legal guardian forgot ParentVUE password and needs password reset
• Parent/legal guardian forgot username and needs the username looked up
• Parent/legal guardian discovers that ParentVUE account needs to be re-enabled
New-to-District Resident Families: Follow the instructions to create a new account. Select the correct school year for registration. The link can be found at the bottom of the registration page. Click on the link. Then select “More Options” and “Create a New Account.”
The documents below will assist you in completing the Online Registration process.
Instructions for Online Registration Process (PDF) Spanish (PDF)
Returning Resident Parents with Established ParentVUE Accounts: Screen Snapshots of Synergy Online Registration Process (PDF)
New to District Resident Parents: Screen Snapshots of Synergy Online Registration Process (PDF)