About Us
CFSD has proudly served Tucson families for more than 80 years.
Our History
The Catalina Foothills School District opened its doors in 1931 with nine students and a teacher, who met in a garage. In 1939, developer John Murphey sold 2.2 acres on River Road to CFSD for the sum of ten dollars, with the stipulation that the land be used for a public school. That summer, a two-room country school house was designed by Joseph T. Joesler and built by the Work Progress Administration. Originally known as the River Road School, the building is now the Murphey Administration Center.
Today, more than 5,200 students are enrolled in the eight schools that comprise CFSD.
With a reputation for exemplary academic standards, we are helping an ever-expanding group of children experience the tradition of excellence in education that we have established.
Our Mission
Catalina Foothills School District, a caring and collaborative learning community, ensures that each student achieves intellectual and personal excellence, and is well prepared for college and career pathways.
Our Vision
Learning transfers to life beyond the Catalina Foothills School District experience, enabling each student to flourish as a responsible citizen in the global community.
Number 1 public school district in Arizona in the Niche rankings from 2017-2023
CFSD Fast Facts
Founded in 1931
5,200+ Students
8 Schools
• One early learning center (PreK)
• Four Elementary Schools (K-5)
• Two Middle Schools (6-8)
• One High School (9-12)
District-Wide Attendance Rate: 90.5%
Graduation Rate: 95.9%
College/University Attendance Rate: 90%
Fiscal Responsibility
67.8 cents of every dollar are spent in direct services to our students.
Program Highlights
CFSD offers many options for students in PreK through 12th grade. The district provides outstanding
K-12 comprehensive programs at all schools and an exciting variety of educational programming for families.
• Music, visual art, and physical education taught by specialists at grades K-12
• Spanish for grades K-5 (120 minutes a week of language development)
• World Languages learning for grades 6-12 (Spanish and Chinese)
• Spanish and Chinese immersion programs
• Elementary, middle and high school robotics and computer science
• Over 150 courses at the high school
• Twenty-four Advanced Placement (AP) course offerings
• Ten Career and Technical Education/JTED programs at the high school
• Technology-enhanced classrooms with access to laptops (2:1 ratio), iPads, iPods, digital cameras, student response systems, Gmail, and Google applications
• Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) option
• Pre-K Spanish immersion and Chinese immersion at Valley View Early Learning Center
• Gifted education program and services
• Extended math and reading programs for grades K-5
• Advanced mathematics options at grades 6-12
• Full day kindergarten option with fee-based program for half of the day
• Certified school counselors at all schools
• Over twenty interscholastic athletic programs
• Title I/Read Strong (reading support for grades K-3)
• Extended day classes and full summer programming at all levels K-12
• Dozens of extracurricular offerings for students of all ages
• Full day kindergarten option with fee-based program for half of the day
• Before and after school CARE program