Dr. Chris Lambert
4300 E. Sunrise Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85718
Main: 520-209-8300
Fax: 520-209-8520
Attendance: 520-209-8316
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Enrollment: 1,921
Grades: 9 -12
Opened: 1992
Schedule: 8:35 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Bell Schedules
The curriculum at Catalina Foothills High School is diversified to meet student needs, and our standards reflect our community's high expectations. The fact that over two-thirds of our students participate in at least one sport or activity is a tribute to our co-curricular and extracurricular programs having achieved an outstanding reputation during our short history. The fine arts programs have produced outstanding works in music, art, and drama. There are extensive advanced placement courses for our accelerated students. A significant number of students are also dually enrolled at the high school and the University of Arizona or Pima Community College.
From its inception, Catalina Foothills High School was intended to reflect the community it supports. We provide the facilities for many of its programs. In the evenings during the school year community classes are offered at our campus through the University of Arizona or Pima Community College. We also have a community orchestra that calls our campus home and includes performers from early secondary school age to senior community members.