Student Support Services
Gifted Programming
Health Services
Special Education
Assistive Technology
Read Strong (Title 1) Program
Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Foster Care
Child Find
Our certified speech-language pathologists are trained to consult, screen, assess, and provide intervention for students with, or who are at risk for, communication disabilities. These disabilities may be in the area of:
• Articulation
• Fluency
• Voice
• Language
Services promote effective communication skills that are integral for successful participation in the general education curriculum and associated activities.
A student's strengths and needs in the communication abilities are identified through assessment within the special education referral process. Remediation of a student's communication impairment is provided through an appropriate intervention program.
Students are served in a variety of service delivery models, including service within the speech-language classroom and collaborative or consultative service within regular and special education programs.
For more information, contact Dr. Erin Matyjasik, 520-209-8081.