Student Support Services
Gifted Programming
Health Services
Special Education
Assistive Technology
Speech and Language
Read Strong (Title 1) Program
Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Foster Care
Child Find
Building Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success
School Counseling Program
The Catalina Foothills School District school counseling program is based on the American School Counselor’s Association (ASCA) National Model (4thedition). The purpose of the program, like the ASCA National Model, is to create one vision for school counseling in the district.
The CFSD school counseling program is proactive and preventive. It is an integral and essential component of the overall educational program, and provides all students with the opportunity for optimum development. Developmental and systematic programming are provided to support each student’s academic, career, and self-management and social skills development.
The "Student Standards: Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success" (PDF) describe the knowledge, skills, and attitudes students need to achieve academic success, and college-, career- and life-readiness. They guide the planning and delivery of student activities, lessons, small groups, and other interventions in the domains of academic development, self-management & social skills development, and career development.
Academic Development: Strategies and activities that support and maximize each student’s ability to learn, and to successfully attain requirements for graduation and postsecondary pathways.
Self-Management & Social Skills Development: Strategies that help students learn and apply self-management and interpersonal skills.
Career Development: Strategies and activities that help students 1) understand the connection between school and career(s), and 2) plan for and make a successful transition from school to postsecondary education and or career pathways, and from job to job across the life span.
CFSD's continuum of student indicators at the elementary, middle, and high school levels are aligned to the student standards. Each indicator is correlated to the most relevant Mindset and Behavior standards, which are indicated in parentheses after each indicator.
School counselors implement a developmentally-based program offering instruction or small group support in areas such as:
• Peer group interaction
• Transitions
• Self-regulation
• Conflict resolution
• New student adjustments
• Changing families
• Friendship and social skills
• Grief and loss
Additionally, each counselor is available to support parents, students, and staff with problem solving and community referrals.
Who Are Elementary School Counselors? (PDF)
Who Are Middle School Counselors? (PDF)
Who Are High School Counselors? (PDF)
For more information, contact your child's school.