Gifted Programming
Health Services
Special Education
Assistive Technology
School Counseling
Speech and Language
Read Strong (Title 1) Program
Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Foster Care
Child Find
Gifted Programming
Differentiated instruction addressing the unique needs of gifted learners.
Sheryl Castro
Health Services
Information and policies for treatment of injuries and illness, medication and immunizations.
Dr. Erin Matyjasik
Director of Special Services
Services supporting the success of students with identified special needs.
Dr. Erin Matyjasik
School Counseling
Services addressing the academic, career, and social/emotional needs of students.
Contact your child's school.
English Language Learners (ELL)
Instruction for students who are learning the English language.
Dr. Erin Matyjasik
Speech and Language
Support for students who need assistance with speech and language.
Dr. Erin Matyjasik
Read Strong (Title 1) Program
Additional support in reading for K-5 students.
Mindy Westover
Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Support for students and families who are experiencing homelessness.
Dr. Erin Matyjasik
Foster Care
Support for students who are in foster care.
Dr. Erin Matyjasik
Notice is hereby given that Catalina Foothills School District intends to destroy the records of all students who qualified for its special education program after four years of having been dismissed from services, graduated, or transferred out. In accordance with federal and state laws, special education records are maintained for four years after the student exits the special education program and/or the activities for which special education funds were used. A permanent record of the student’s name, address, phone number, grades, attendance record and year completed is maintained in perpetuity.
The purpose of destruction is to protect the student from improper and unauthorized disclosure of the confidential information contained within the file. Please note that certain records may be needed by the student, parent or guardian for social security benefits or other purposes.
A copy of any information contained in the special education record can be provided to the parent/guardian or eligible student once the district receives a written request. If no parent/guardian or eligible student responds to this public notice, the school district will assume consent to destroy the entire special education record specific to the student.
If you do not understand this notice or are in need of interpretation, please contact the District Office at 520-209-8081.