Physical education is an integral component of a comprehensive program of study for all students in the Catalina Foothills School District (CFSD). High quality physical education instruction contributes to good health, develops fundamental and advanced motor skills, improves students’ self-confidence, and provides opportunities for increased levels of physical fitness that are associated with higher academic achievement.
The physical education program is designed to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful activity and select safe and healthy behaviors. CFSD’s physical education standards are aligned to national and state standards, but have been written to reflect the local needs, time, resources, and environment of the district.
Introduction to Physical Education | Scope & Sequence for K-12 Motor Skills and Movement Patterns
High School
- High School Physical Education
- High School physical education courses are based on the same set of physical education standards (above). The following physical education courses are offered at the high school:
Group Fitness:
(1) Recreational Fitness - Silver
(2) Recreational Fitness - Blue
(3) Lifetime Sports & Fitness
Individual Fitness:
(1) Cardio Fitness
(2) Strength & Fitness
(3) Intermediate Strength & Fitness
(4) Advanced Strength & Fitness
(5) The Fit Female