The foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains

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CFSD Fast Facts

CFSD has proudly served Tucson families for more than 90 years.

Our History

The Catalina Foothills School District opened its doors in 1931 with nine students and a teacher who met in a garage. In 1939, developer John Murphey sold 2.2 acres on River Road to CFSD for the sum of ten dollars, with the stipulation that the land be used for a public school. That summer, a two-room country schoolhouse was designed by Joseph T. Joesler and built by the Work Progress Administration. Originally known as the River Road School, the building is now the Murphey Administration Center.

Today, more than 5,400 students are enrolled in the eight schools that comprise CFSD. There are many options for students in PreK through 12th grade. A variety of comprehensive educational programs are offered at all CFSD schools.


Ten Career & Technical Education Pathways
Extended Day Classes and Full Summer Programming Dozens of extracurricular Offerings Before and after school CARE program
Innovative Professional Learning Program Great Beginnings: Systems for success - Years 1-2 Professional Pathways: Continuum of Leadership and Learning - Years 3+
Spanish and Chinese Immersion Option at PreK and Grades K-5 Spanish at grades K-8 Spanish and Chinese at grades 9-12 Eleven years of study in a World Language is required
Gifted Education Program and Services Advanced Reading/ELA and Math at Grades K-8 Algebra and Geometry at the middle school Honors and AP options at high school
Title I/Read Strong Support for Grades K-3
Visual & Performing Arts and Physical Education & Health at Grades K-12 Taught by highly qualified specialists
Certified School Counselors at all Schools
Arizona’s #1 Comprehensive Non-Selective High School U.s. News and World Report
Twenty-four Advanced Placement (AP) Course Offerings, Including AP Capstone
Over Twenty Interscholastic Athletic Programs
Integrated Technology in all Classrooms
#1 Public School District in Arizona Niche 2023 ratings (Seven years in a row)
5,400 + Students (PreK-12) From 35 Tucson area zip codes One early learning center (PreK) Four elementary schools (K-5) Two middle schools (6-8) One high School (9-12)
District Attendance Rate 90.5% Graduation Rate 91.72% Pursue Education Beyond High School 90%
Robotics/Computer Science at Grades K-8 First LEGO League teams at K-8 VEX and FTC robotics teams at high school Computer programming pathway at high school
Title: Strong School & Family Partnerships
High Expectations Dedicated, caring, highly qualified teachers have high expectations for students and themselves