Transportation and Bus Schedules
Our students rely on transportation services to ensure safe travel to and from school.
First Student, Inc. (District Transportation Provider)
For questions about busing, please contact:
Timothy Morehead, Location Manager
Kellie Cabaniss, Dispatcher
MAC Transportation Center
4510 N. Camino Escuela
Tucson, AZ 85718
Bus Schedules
To see your bus routes and stops, please log in to ParentVUE and click on the Student Info tab. The bottom-most section, Bus Information, contains a link to the bus route documents. Please note that you'll need to use your student's school email and Google password (listed in the Google Login Information section immediately above this section) to be able to access the bus schedules.
Your students route can be tracked in real time with our Firstview app.
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment Bus Application Information
Fast Facts About Our Bus Transportation
The following image slideshow shows thank you posters from the students to the bus drivers.
- We have 25 daily routes with 35 total buses in our fleet
- We have 2 types of buses we utilize in our district. Transit buses (flat nose buses that have a capacity of 84 students) Conventional buses (77 student capacity).
- We average approximately 2,100 students on our buses in the AM and PM buses combined.
- The regular education buses travel 68 miles a day on average.
- We utilize CFSD buses all over the state to take students to sports games, band trips and field trips.
- We have an ‘on time percentage’ for school arrival of 98.9 percent. (Traffic delays and road closures put us behind on occasion.)
- We have over 30 drivers taking students from home to school and driving your students to events.
- All of our drivers are CPR/first aid certified.