Professional Learning
New Teacher Induction: Great Beginnings -
Systems for Success
Continuing Professional Learning
The CFSD instructional model is built upon our belief of continual improvement through research-based best practices. We offer exciting and rigorous active learning opportunities with immediate classroom takeaways.
Below are examples of core professional learning offerings that are provided for our teachers.
Understanding by Design
Developed by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins, UbD is an instructional planning approach that uses backward design to increase student understanding and transfer. UbD complements the CFSD professional learning model in that it “reflects a continual improvement approach to student achievement and teacher craft” (Wiggins and McTighe, 2011). CFSD teachers in Years 5-7 attend formal training with Understanding by Design experts.
Teacher Leadership Training for Facilitation of Collaborative Inquiry Teams
Teacher leaders are central to our district's Collaborative Inquiry Teams (CITs) school improvement model. As facilitators of CITs, teacher leaders help build a culture of collaboration, inquiry, and professional learning with the goal of implementing evidence-based practices that lead to improved student achievement. Teacher leaders participate in an initial facilitation training that helps them begin to develop the necessary dispositions, skills, and practices that support facilitation of Collaborative Inquiry Teams. Throughout their time as CIT facilitators, teacher leaders will participate in ongoing training, coaching, and support to hone their skills and address facilitation challenges.
McTighe, Jay, and Grant Wiggins. "Understanding by Design Framework." Understanding by Design Framework White Paper. ASCD, 2011. Web. 18 Sept. 2016.