Director of Finance
Lisa Taetle
Senior Accountant
Vicki Heald
Accounts Payable
Candi Chavez, Accounts Payable
Carolyn Seivert, Procurement Specialist
Brook Billings, Payroll Manager
CFSD delivers more dollars to our classrooms.
At CFSD, we ensure that maintaining fiscal responsibility is possible without sacrificing a quality education. Our schools operate successfully because we are very mindful of where and how our funds - your funds - are being spent.
2023-2024 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (PDF)
2022-2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (PDF)
2021-2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (PDF)
2020-2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (PDF)
2019-2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (PDF)
2018-2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (PDF)
participation as a key to the success for your entity's procurements.
Catalina Foothills School District is a member of and participates in the following purchasing consortiums:
Mohave Educational Services Cooperative, Inc.
Purchase Order Terms & Conditions (PDF)
How to Do Business With CFSD (PDF)
W-9 Form (PDF)
RFP/Bids :
RFP 25-01-30 Voluntary Dental (PDF) | Supporting Documents (ZIP) | Addendum 1 (PDF)
Bids Awarded :
RFP 25-03-30 Employee Benefits Consulting Services was Awarded to Gallagher Benefit Services, Incorporated.
RFP 25-02-30 District Pest Control and Termite Services was Awarded to Essential Pest Control.
Bids Cancelled :
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